
Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj

Important information for those who want to become disciples

  • 1. Identity of a Purna Guru (Complete Guru)

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Today in Kalyug the most difficult question before the Bhakt community is to identify a Purna Guru. But its answer is very short and simple, that a guru who does bhakti according to the scriptures and makes his followers i.e disciples do it, only he is a Purna Saint. Because religious scriptures like — speech of Kabir Sahib, speech of Shri Nanak Ji, speech of Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj, speech of Sant Dharmdas Ji Sahib, Vedas, Gita, Puran, Quran, Holy Bible etc are the constitution of the path of Bhakti. Whichever saint tells sadhna according to the scriptures and shows the path to the Bhakt community, he is a Purna Saint; otherwise he is a big enemy of the Bhakt society who is making others do sadhna opposite to the scriptures. He is playing with this invaluable human life. Such a guru or saint will be hung upside-down in deep hell in God’s court. For example, If a teacher teaches outside the syllabus, then he is an enemy of those students. Gita Adhyay 7, Shlok 15Yajurved Adhyay 40, Shlok 10Gita Adhyay 4, Shlok 34 
  • 2. Consumption of intoxicating substances prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Let alone the consumption of hukkah (smoking tobacco through water), alcohol, beer, tobacco, beedi, cigarette, to take snuff, gutkha, meat, egg, sulfa (a wad of tobacco smoked in chilam), opium, cannabis and other intoxicating substances, do not even have to bring any intoxicating substance and give to anyone. Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj, calling all these intoxicating substances as bad, states in his sacred speech
  • 3. Going to places of pilgrimage prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Do not have to keep fast of any kind. Do not have to do any pilgrimage, nor have to take any bath in Ganga etc, nor have to go to any other religious place for the sake of bathing or seeing. Do not have to go in any temple or place of pilgrimage of a favoured deity with the feeling of devotion or worship thinking that God is in this temple. God is not an animal whom the priest has tied in the temple. God (is omnipresent) is present in every particle. All these sadhnas (ways of worship) are against the scriptures.
    Instead of worshipping the places of pilgrimage, find the same kind of saints who do and tell bhakti of Supreme God Kabir according to the scriptures. Then only do as they say. Do not act as your heart desires. Samved Mantra no. 1400 Utarchik Adhyay no. 12 Khand no. 3 Shlok no. 5 Gita Adhyay no. 16 Shlok no. 23Gita Adhyay no. 6 Shlok no. 16, Garib Das Ji'sSacred Speech
  • 4. Worship of Pitras prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Do not have to do any type of pooja of Pitras or carry out shraadhs etc. God Shri Krishna has also clearly forbidden worshipping these Pitras and ghosts. Gita Adhyay 9, Shlok 25 Bandichhor Garibdas Ji Maharaj and Kabir sahib also say the same in their Sacred Speech.
    Therefore, do bhakti of that Parmeshwar (Purna Parmatma/Supreme God), from whom you will attain complete liberation; that God is Purna Brahm / SatPurush Sat Kabir . Its evidence is also in Gita Ji Adhyay no 18 Shlok no. 46.Gita Ji Adhyay no 18 Shlok no. 62., and Gita Ji Adhyay no 8 Shlok no. 22.
  • 5. Obeying orders of Guru

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Without the permission of Guruji, do not have to perform any type of religious rite at home. Like, Bandichhor (Liberator from prison) says in his sacred speech
  • 6. Do not have to worship any other god or goddess

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Even do not have to worship the three gunas (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv). Only have to act according to Guruji’s instructions.Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 15 says the same. Kabir Sahib also says in His Sacred Speech.
  • 7. Lord Kabir is Sankat Mochan (Liberator from a crisis)

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Lord Kabir is Sankat Mochan (Liberator from a crisis): - On arrival of any suffering (crisis) as a result of karma (deeds), never have to worship any other deity god or Mata Masaani etc., nor have to go to any palmist/astrologer. Only have to worship Bandichhor God Kabir who removes all the miseries, who is the liberator from crisis.Samved Mantra 822 Utarchik Adhyay 3 Khand 5 Shlok 8 . Kabir Sahib says in HisSacred Speech
  • 8. Unnecessary charity prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Do not have to give anything in form of charity anywhere and to anyone. Neither money, nor unstitched cloth etc, nothing. If someone comes asking for any charity then feed him and give something to drink like tea, milk, lassi, water etc, but do not have to give anything else. Who knows that beggar might misuse that money.
    Kabir Sahib also says in His Sacred Speech
  • 9. Eating consumed food prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    It is prohibited to eat remnants of food of a person who consumes alcohol, meat, tobacco, egg, beer, opium, cannabis etc.
  • 10. Performance of last rites after (death) departure to Satyalok prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    If someone dies in the family, then anybody can light the funeral pyre – a family member or someone else, and should utter Manglacharan while lighting it. Do not have to pick up anything like ashes etc. If it is compulsory to clean that area, then picking up those ashes you may yourself immerse them in any flowing water. Utter the Manglacharan at that time. Neither have to offer pind etc, nor have to do anything like terahmi, chhHmahi, barsodi, and shraadhs etc. Do not have to get any hawan performed by any other person. Determine any one day for the relatives or near and dear ones who come to express their condolences. That day, do the Nitya Niyam which is done daily, light the lamp, and then feed everyone. If you want to do any meritorious act on his (deceased person’s) name, then after taking permission from your Gurudev Ji, should keep the Akhand (non-stop) Paath of Bandichhor Garibdas Ji Maharaj’s sacred speech. If you do not get the permission to do Paath, then the initiated devotees of the family may light a continuous lamp of desi ghee at home for four or seven days and do jaap of Brahm Gayatri mantra four times in a day and may offer three or one time of jaap to the deceased person who has departed to Satlok. As considered appropriate, they may donate the fruit of upto one, two, or three jaap of mantras to him/her. You have to continue lighting lamp and doing Aarti, sumiran of naam etc like everyday bearing in mind these lines.
  • 11. Baseless Sadhna on the arrival of a newborn prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    On birth of a child, do not have to celebrate any chhati (sixth day after birth) etc. Because of ‘Sutak ’ the daily pooja, bhakti, aarti (prayer), lighting lamp of rogan (ghee) of buffalo and cow etc have not to be stopped. Kabir Sahib tells us in His Sacred Speech
  • 12. Going to place of pilgrimage of a favoured deity to get child's head tonsured prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Do not have to go to any place of pilgrimage or getting the child’s head shaved off. When you see that the hair have grown, get them cut and throw them away. Saw in a temple that reverential devotees came to get their son’s or daughter’s head shaven off. The barber over there asked for three times more money than outside, and cutting a scissor full of hair gave them to the parents. They offered them with faith in the temple. The priest put them in a bag. At night, threw them away in a distant solitary place. All this is just a drama. Why not get head shaven off in a normal manner as before and dispose them outside. God becomes pleased with naam, not by hypocrisy.
  • 13. Happiness from initiation

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Naam (updesh) should not be taken only with a viewpoint to remove sorrows, but for self-welfare. Then with sumiran all the joys will come automatically. Kabir Sahib says in His Sacred Speech
  • 14. Adultery is prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Should look upon other women as mother – daughter – sister. Adultery is a heinous sin. Garib Das Ji says in his Sacred Speech
  • 15. To criticize and hear criticism is prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Do not criticize your Guru even by mistake, nor hear it. To hear means if someone says false things about your Guru Ji, then you do not have to fight, rather should think that he is speaking without thinking i.e. is telling a lie. Garib Das Ji says in his Sacred Speech.Do not have to criticize anyone, and do not even have to listen to it. Even if it is about a common man. God Kabir states
  • 16. The magnificence of a visit to the Guru

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Whenever you get time, try to come to satsang and do not come to satsang to put on airs (pride-superiority). Rather come considering yourself ill. Like, an ill person, no matter how wealthy he is, or whatever high designation he has, when he goes to a hospital, at that time his only aim is to become free from the illness. Wherever the doctor says him to lie down, he lies down, wherever the doctor says to sit down, he sits down, when directed to go out, goes out. Then when he is called to come in, comes in quietly. If you come in satsang just like this, then you will get the benefit of coming in the satsang; otherwise it is fruitless. In satsang, wherever you get to sit, sit down, whatever you get to eat, considering it as prasaad by grace of Parmatma Kabir, eat it and remain happy. Kabir Sahib says in His Sacred Speech
  • 17. The grandeur of Guru

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    If an Akhand Paath or satsang is going on somewhere or one has just gone to visit guruji, then first of all, one should (do dandwat pranaam) prostrate in reverence before Guruji, and should later bow before Sat Granth Sahib and the pictures like the idol of God Kabir, the idol of Saint Garibdas Ji and Swami Ramdevanand Ji and of Guru Ji, so that only the devotion is maintained. Do not have to worship the idol. To only bow respectfully before a picture, like the idol of God or Guru Ji, does not come in worship. It only helps in maintaining the devotion of a devotee. Pooja has to be done only of the current Guru and naam mantra who will convey one across (liberate). Kabir Sahib says in His Sacred Speech
  • 18. Consumption of meat prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Do not have to eat egg, meat or kill any living being. It is a heinous sin. An unintentional violence directed against living creatures is not sinful
  • 19. Contact with a traitor of Guru Prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    If a devotee is hostile towards (turns away from) Guruji, then he incurs heinous sin. If someone does not like the path, he can change his guru. If he becomes hostile towards the former Guru or criticizes him, then he is known as the traitor of Guru. If a disciple holds bhakti-discussion with such a person, then he is at fault. His bhakti finishes. Garib Das Ji says in His Sacred Speech. In other words, a person, who goes to a traitor of a Guru, will become devoid of bhakti and will go to hell and in 84 lakh births of various living beings.
  • 20. Gambling and playing cards prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Playing cards and gambling is prohibited. Kabir Sahib says in His Sacred Speech
  • 21. Singing and Dancing prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    It is against the belief of devotion to dance and sing vulgar songs on any kind of happy occasion. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says in hisSacred Speech. God Kabir Ji also says in His Sacred Speech
  • 22. Practicing untouchability prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    We all are children of the same God. When God hasn't discriminated between men and women of different cast and creed, then why should we?
  • 23. Giving and accepting Dowry prohibited

    Jagat Guru Rampal Ji
    Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
    Accepting or giving dowry is a social evil and is a cause of unrest among humans. For a disciple, it is prohibited to give or accept dowry. What else is left when a person has already given his daughter, the core of his heart.
  • Note: A devotee who will not follow these formulated orders, his naam (mantra) will finish. If someone commits any mistake unknowingly, it is forgiven but if one has knowingly committed it, then that devotee becomes devoid of naam. Its only solution is to ask for forgiveness from Gurudev Ji and again receive naam-updesh (initiation).